Friday, January 18, 2019

Q. What Happens When You Cross a Mammal With a Plant (Kind Of)?

A. You get a plant that cleans your air for you. 

Houseplants have been suggested as mechanisms to clean polluted indoor air, however different types vary in their efficiency at doing so with different pollutants.   So in order to detoxify an indoor space's air using plants you might have to use several different species. Also, the ability of any of these plants to detoxify an indoor space can be limited.

University of Washington researchers have come up with a plant that has a wider range of detoxification than any one single plant. By inserting the same mammalian gene that detoxifies alcohol in our livers, they have created a plant that can metabolize such things as chlorinated hydrocarbons, which researchers feel will greatly increase its ability to remove toxins from the air compared to other plants.

Can't wait for mine.

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