Wednesday, January 8, 2020

January Plant Information Class Outline

January 2020 Plant Information Class

San Gabrieliscious snow above the Aloe trail. 

  1. Pretty Pictures
  2. Moonlight Forest
  3. Cactus and Succulent Winter Show and Sale
  4. What to look for in the garden this month.
  5. Plant Info Questions


  1. Bare-root season
  1. Why bare root?
  2. Advantages, disadvantages.
  3. How and where to plant bare root roses, berries, nut and fruit trees.
  4. Special pruning and maintenance needs.
  1. First years
  2. Spurs
  3. Pruning out shoots
  1. Where to find.
  2. San Gabriel Nursery’s Lists
  4. Chilling Hours
  5. Rose types and considerations
  1. Grandifloras
  2. Floribundas
  3. Hybrid Tea
  4. Climbing roses
  5. Groundcover roses
  6. Miniature Roses
  7. Tree Roses
  8. There’s a Plant For That
  1. Handout
  2. Chinese Narcissus
  3. Good Luck Plant (Pachira aquatica), tough as nails, edible seed.
  1. Houseplants
  1. Slide Presentation
  2. Cultural Considerations
  3. Wick pots.
  4. Lights for houseplants

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